Six Signs You Need to Enter a Drug or Alcohol Treatment Center

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The Florida Marchman Act allows doctors and the loved ones of an addict to involuntarily commit that person to a treatment center, but it also allows the addict to seek treatment as well. Looking at a step by step guide to Florida Marchman Act requirements can help you better understand what you need to do to seek help for yourself. Before looking at this act, you might want to look at your own life and see if you exhibit any of the common symptoms that indicate you should seek help from a California drug & alcohol detox center.

Higher Tolerance

Tolerance is a simple term that essentially refers to the amount of the substance that you must take to feel better. The first time you use a drug like crack or crystal meth, you might feel an intense high after just one hit. As you use more of that substance though, you’ll find that you need to take more than you ever did in the past. When your tolerance reaches an all-time high or is higher than you feel comfortable taking, you may need to seek help.

Drug Cravings

The difference between a drug addict and a drug user is the craving or desire that the individual has to use that drug. A recreational user is someone who can use a substance and then go weeks, months or even years before using that drug again. Addicts often need to use their substance of choice at least once a day, and some even need to use that drug multiple times every day. A clear sign that you need help is when you experience uncontrollable cravings for that substance.

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Lack of Interest

A common symptom that many addicts exhibit is a general lack of interest. Think about all the things you did and enjoyed before drugs entered your life. Maybe you loved going to work in the morning, took classes you liked, spent time with your friends or liked just kicking back with a good book. As the drugs begin taking over your life, you may find that you have no interest in all the things you loved before. Some addicts even have a lack of interest in their health or personal hygiene. You may not shower, brush your teeth or even brush your hair because you only care about the drugs.

Changes in Behavior

One of the more common signs that you need professional help is when you experience noticeable changes in your typical behavior. Addicts often act out in unexpected and unusual ways. You may find yourself shouting at your parents, spouse or even your children. These behavioral changes often occur when someone questions your recent attitude or asks you about your addiction. Changes in behavior may also include things like staying up later than you did before, sleeping longer, lying to your loved ones or even stealing from those close to you.

Withdrawal Symptoms

As soon as you stop using your drug of choice, you’ll likely experience some withdrawal symptoms. Those symptoms occur because your body grows dependent on that substance and suddenly no longer has any of that substance. Withdrawal symptoms can range in type and severity. Many addicts experience withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, and mood swings. If you do not want your significant other or loved ones to see you going through withdrawal, you should turn to a treatment center. These centers will help you safely detox from the substances that plague your life.

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Inability to Stop

You might read through this list of signs and still think that you don’t need rehab. All you need to do is ask yourself if you can really stop using that substance. What would happen if you got up tomorrow and decided to never use drugs again? Many addicts who try to go cold turkey find themselves shaking, feeling clammy and having no control over their actions of emotions. If you cannot stop using drugs on your own, it’s time to get help. Whether you use drugs daily, every other day or a few times a week, you have an addiction that requires treatment.

The longer that you put off seeking treatment, the higher your tolerance level will grow. Getting help early on can help you recover faster. Whether you opt for an outpatient program or check into an inpatient treatment center, you’ll work with professionals who can help you withdrawal and stop using drugs.

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