Getting metal to stick to metal and other things is tricky

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There are a few options when we break something when it comes to trying to fix it. Metal is particularly difficult and one of the hardest things that there is to do is to get metal, a substance, and surface not known for its stickiness, to bond with another. The only serious way to do this is to invest in some very strong adhesive bonding material. This is easier said than done and the only way to ensure that it is done properly is if you contact a metal bonding adhesive specialists such as who can look into all of your specific needs.

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There are many reasons why you would choose to glue metal together over the more traditional way of welding. Welding can create strong bonds but it is not the cleanest way of achieving this. Also when the parts that you are want to connect are too large or you want the metal to conduct heat, not corrode or expand then welding might not provide the answer. However, the correct type of bonding is the answer.

What we need to consider than is a list of the following;

  1. What type of metal are you going to use?
  2. How does the surface of the metal hold?
  3. What area of the metal do you want to bond or rather how much surface area do you have to use?
  4. Are there any problems with the metal and what you want to use it for?
  5. What stress are you going to put it through?
  6. Where is it going to be sited afterward and in what environment?
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One of the most popular types is that of epoxy resin. Epoxy resins are usual to chemicals. One is the molding element and the other is the hardening agent. The two compounds are mixed together and then applied to the metal. The pieces are pressed together and the resin begins to set rock-hard. The reason it is used is that it allows itself to be stuck to and to be attached pretty much any type of metal. This is because there is a marked difference between the properties of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals.

A liquid alternative is a Cyanoacrylate, or Super Glue as it is commercial known. This is an acid resin that polymerizes (another word for glues) the subjects together setting hard once exposed to oxygen. It allows for a closer, cleaner bond but is generally not as strong or as long-lasting as epoxy.


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