Five Qualities of Reliable Hardware Distributors for Aircraft Manufacturers

Category: Technology 26

Having reliable hardware distributors to work with is crucial for any aircraft manufacturer. This is why it is vital to ensure that the companies you use are both highly rated and have a strong track record of reliability. Here are five qualities you should look for in an aircraft hardware supplier.

Documenting the quality of the hardware

For aircraft hardware distributors, it’s essential to ensure that all parts are traceable. The FAA has established guidelines for tracing aircraft components. This requires that all pertinent serialization information be printed on the product. Installing a system that helps validate the current life status of features is also necessary. There are many ways to accomplish this. Suppliers must document the current level of hardware configuration, including the number of revisions to the software. These documents must be kept for at least ten years. They should be available to the customer upon request. If the supplier subcontracts, the subcontractor must agree to impose the exact record retention requirement. Sellers must adhere to the Boeing Suppliers List and perform First Article Inspections following AS/EN/SJAC 9102. They must notify Boeing of suspected nonconformances. In addition, they must comply with the latest revision of D33200.


A redundant aircraft system is a backup system in case of faulty equipment. Its primary function is to restore regular operation after a failure. However, there are many factors to consider when implementing such an arrangement. Redundancy is a standard engineering practice. In aircraft systems, there are several ways to incorporate them. The benefits of redundancy include increased safety, reliability, and performance. But it comes with an added cost. Aircraft manufacturers want to maximize the efficiency and performance of their equipment. They also want to make sure all their components are working correctly. To ensure the best outcome, they employ a combination of techniques. One such technique involves incorporating a synthetic redundancy system into the design of an aircraft. This system identifies critical components that require redundancy.

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Derating design

Derating is a technique that helps prolong the life of a component. This process is used in electronics and power devices. Essentially, derating considers the ambient temperature and the cooling mechanism used. It also reduces stress on the part below its rated value. Derating is not only good for prolonging the life of the device, but it also improves its reliability. For instance, a resistor with a rated stress factor of 0.5 will have a derated factor of 0.75. That means if the derated factor is multiplied by the maximum vendor parameter rating, it results in a stress factor of 1.0. The best way to determine the derated stress factor of your device is to calculate its maximum operating power ratio. This is the amount of power your machine can handle without damage.

Perspectives for future research and development

Modern airplanes, manufactured in over ten countries, require over 4.5 million parts. Moreover, they are complex in construction and require many human labor hours. Consequently, meeting reliability requirements takes a lot of work. In this context, a reliable hardware distributor is a challenging task to accomplish. The following section reflects upon the different approaches to achieving this elusive goal. Unsurprisingly, the aviation industry has embraced the reliability concept, imposing requirements on its component manufacturers. To that end, several leading aircraft companies have developed a rigorous system for selecting component suppliers. For example, Boeing employs over six thousand people and has a fleet of 777s, responsible for delivering over ten million passengers annually.

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